Tips: Cleaning Your Curtains
Curtains and other Window Decorations Should be Cleaned Regularly. I myself do this far too little, simply because i don't really know how to do this escaly. Time to look for tips.
Buying and Cleaning Curtains
When you decide to buy curtains, you don't think about the day you activa this way to clean them again. Still, it's good to keep this in mind. The Choice of Curtains Can Depend on It.
Curtains are so clean and fresh
In The Living Room We Have Blinds, These Are Plastic And I Can Clean Them Just Fine. Every time I Clean the Windows, I also Make a Little Suds for the Blinds and Clean Them Right Away. I'll be on the stairs anyway, so that's easy enough. In our bedroom we have fabric blinds.
IDeal, because they are blackout, but how do you clean theme?
I always go over them with the vacuum cleaner when I'm doing this and I think I keep them pretty dust-free.
Curtains in the bedroom
In The Boys' Bedrooms Hang Curtains, Those Thick Blue Ones, which Bring Good Darkness Into The Room. IDEAL for Sleeping and Althegh I Keep the Rooms Clean and Fresh, I Don't Do Much About the Curtains. While I Should Clean Them Regularly, Especiaxy for the eldest who has allergies.
But I Don't Do It. Why Not?
I find it such a hasle, thesis long curtains, where do I hang them to dry and can they actual go in the washing machine??
Cleaning Curtains
Curtains Come in Many Colors, Sizes and Types. Not all Curtains you can wash yourself. There are curtains that you will have to take to the dry cleaner, pay Attention to this when you buy curtains.
Can you clean them at home? Then note the following to get curtains clean and fresh:
- Look carefully at the washing instructions indicated on the curtains. Should you Short these yourself (As I Did in the Bedroom, these are Old Curtains from My Old House) Be Careful Not To Cut Them Away.
- Remove the hooks and any leads that are in the curtains. These can Damage The Curtains Duration Washing.
- If you Cannot Remove the Hooks, Put An Elastic Band Around Them So They Stay Together and Put A Laundry Bag Around Them.
- Cleaning in the Machine: Make Sure The Machine is not Too Full, Follow the Washing Instructions and Hang Curtains Out Wet to Dry
- Rather Wash by Hand? Make Sure Curtains Can Soak Liberally, Such as in the Bathtub. Don't use too much soap, don't wring out the curtains and hang them law too.
- Do not wash, but clean curtains: to make them smell fresh again you can hang them outside on a foggy day, the smell is usaally gone by then. Or are they a bit Dusty? Then Gently Pat Them Out Or Put Your Vacuum Cleaner On The Lowest Setting And Remove the Dust With That.
These are a few tips for washing curtains, there are bound to be many more, feel free to leave them in a comment.